Competitive Strategy is the choice of how and where to compete.

It provides a process to help organizations develop their Competitive Advantage.

Strategic issues include:

  • What markets should we target?
  • What services should we be offering?
  • How should our firm differentiate itself from our competitors?
  • What is the best way for our firm to grow?
  • How can we avoid competing on price?

Shelley Dunstone facilitates high-quality discussions, helping you reach sound strategic decisions.


  1. She delivers results.  Your team's time is valuable.  It's easy for people to get side-tracked and lose sight of the main issues.  Shelley works with you to understand the outcomes you need, and makes sure that these results are "plated up" by the end of the day.  As a former commercial litigation lawyer, she is accustomed to intense and prolonged meetings where the stakes are high.  She has immense mental stamina.
  2. She undertakes thorough preparation.  Just as a barrister’s performance in court depends on having a well-prepared brief, the success of a planning day requires thorough preparation in advance.  Shelley puts in the work to make your meeting run smoothly.

  3. She can handle difficult discussions.  Shelley is accustomed to dealing with situations that are steeped in conflict.  She maintains focus, and keeps people on track.  She guides people away from irrelevant issues and back to the question being discussed.

  4. She respects your time.   For lawyers, time is money.  Shelley creates a realistic Agenda for your meeting, and ensures that discussions are kept within the specified time frame.

  5. She asks great questions.   To get the right answers, you need to ask the right questions.  Shelley listens carefully to what is being said, and asks incisive questions to arrive at valuable insights and achieve timely results.